From the Depths of Dark Waters… #2023myreads #mtbos


It seems every time I blog in recent years, it follows a long space of silence.

Did you know… 3/5 of octopus’ neurons are in their tentacles?

That bit of info grabbed my attention shortly after adoring Marcellus in Remarkably Bright Creatures. The cover and those colors are what drew me in to begin. I’m not quite sure what it was about the book, but it has stuck with me all summer.

Then that little factoid caught my attention and I wondered… could I somehow use it in my classroom this fall? To me it says, your smarts aren’t all about what’s in your head, but what work you’re willing to do as well.

I ran across this bulletin board and pondered since June how I might turn it in to an interactive bulletin board in Room 148.

Did you know…

Octopuses are smart? They can navigate mazes, solve problems, remember, predict, use tools and take apart just about anything from a crab to a lock? They have 3 hearts? They can camouflage to blend in? Have blue blood? And there are so many other cool facts about these creatures. SHEDD

So since teenagers are remarkable and bright creatures, how might I use the theme of octopus to encourage good habits and efforts, a sense of joy, a fun and safe environment?

My initial thought was to chooseb8 characteristics I’d like to celebrate in learners. Give them an opportunity to shout out to their peers when they notice them making good choices.

A friend suggested surveying them, then letting them vote for the top 8. What are 8 traits you think would be tops for the list?

Also find and read The Benefits of Being an Octopus, Ann Braden.

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