Monthly Archives: August 2018

Recap of Desmos Pre-Conference #MTBoSBlaugust Post 14


I sat down this past weekend to review my notes feom TMC18.

None of this will be enligtening to most, but again, this is where I can reflect, record and return to later when I can ponder.

I knew going in I needed to spend some time in Computation Layer while having real life, in person help. Parts of me now wishes I had spent 2 sessions in CL. I am better than I was last year, but still much further to go. My goal this year is to complete the scavenger challenges.

My other a.m. session was with Christopher Danielson, Principles of Design… where he teased us with snapshots! Listening to ideas around the room, watching him model the 5 Practices for Orchestraring Mathematical Discussions helped remind me to consider these structures when building future tasks.

Dr. Robert Berry shared some excellent thinking points and reminders. He suggested Catalyzing Change from NCTM. On my to read list, but why do books have to be so expensive?!?

Another take a way…

Solutions finders =/= Problem Solvers and

at the end… questions. Comments & compliments. What a great eay to end a lesson!

Lastly, that afternoon, I attended Shelley & Jenny’s Design Great Digital Activities. Essentially they walked us quickly through their thinking processes

1. Define the goal.

2. Crazy 8s on ONE key part of your goal.

3. Pair share.

4. Storyboard with 3 post-its.

5. Pair Share again.

Three key features to consider for student input when designing rhe flow and interactions……

1) access and build on prior knowledge

2) make a prediction.

3) reflection on learning/the task.

I see this as such a helpful tool that reduces how overwhelmed I often felt as I would sit down and attempt to create a task.

Hopefully, I can link back to this pist soon with a finished product.

Open House #mtbosblaugust post 13


What feels like nearly a 12 hour day…

Got to school about 7:30 this morning… we had district day with all the stuff… a tteat for supper just before ooen house… and we walked in the door just before 8:00 pm.

So many smiles and new faces at open house tonight!

Afterward the halls had cleared, a crew came through leaving cards in every locker and classroom…

Better an oops than what if…

Simple, encouraging words and quotes. What a great service to their school community.


Gonna be a great year.

Speak Life… #MTBoSBlaugust Post 12


In discussions about our upcoming home remodeling show, @cheesemonkeysf shared a picture with a plant placed in her entry way. It reminded me of one my granny j. had when I was younger.

The next time I was out I found the plant and bought it for my house…just a bit of green, some life to add in a room. But she was a bit small. So now, I have decided to take Sansa to school.

Sansa means to charm, praise. So I am hoping this plant will remind me that my words can give life.

Sansa will join my pothos plant, who is nameless, but given to me by a dear friend 2 years ago as we began school.

I splurged last night, wanting a little more greenery in my room…

Meet Ingrid – beloved, beautiful. I hope my students realize their self worth…

Anne – a form of grace, may I offer grace to both others and myself this school year.

And D.T. -may my words be seasoned with salt.

Not only will our plants help clean our air, but offer some extra beauty and hooefully serve as some good reminders…

Literacy Day 3 #MTBoSBlaugust Post 11

Literacy Day 3 #MTBoSBlaugust Post 11

Day 3 – my brain was on overload.  This was definitely the heavier writing of the 3 days of training.  I am honest in saying, I struggled to see how to use several of todays tasks in my own classroom when compared to Days 1 & 2…

What has been most affirming to me this week – I have been searching for literacy strategies close to 10 years now.  From Kagan, to our current Springboard to all of the articles, books I have read.  And for 3 days I have seen so many things I have already implemented into my teaching.

But these 3 days have also challenged me.  I have see ways of doing some things better.  I have become very aware of how much more intentional I should be in my planning.  I have realized the real benefits and goals of specific strategies.  It has been good.

LETTER (I would call it PEN PAL)

As I was pulling out my INB, an index card fell out from Day 2.  After a particular reading, we had 3 reflection questions to write in our workbooks.  We were then asked to lock eyes with a person in the room, but not at our table.  Our task- to write that person a letter, sharing from our reflections.  When time was up, we exchanged letters, read them and replied back in letter form as well.

Our focus for this task was how we use writing – in our personal lives, but also how it can help us when learning  / trying to understand text we read.  It was fun getting to hear from a former student, now colleague who is rocking the ELA classroom!


We began our Day 3, asked to choose a text from our Literary Timelines the day before.

On an index card, describe a literary memory from the text you chose.

Go to a table, filled with postcards and choose a postcard that somehow connects, symbolizes your memory.

Now, pair up with someone and share your memory, postcard and how it represents your memory.   (great conversation).

We then talked about ways we could get many postcards collected in order to use the metaphor/analogy in class.

  • order online
  • ask family & friends to send when they visit museums, etc.
  • tweet a group of online colleagues and ask them to send
  • pair up with another class and do an exchange/penpal
  • Let students cut out pictures from old magazines and create their own postcards, laminate
  • Cut apart old calendars


We were given a copied version, but you could very easily ask students to draw a line and split notebook paper into 2 columns.

From the text – can be concepts, facts, information, quotes

From the reader – questions, ideas, opinions (in response to the reading)

In our groups we were asked to highlight one thing, then share out from the text and from the reader for that highlight.


We had 3 tables we rotated through.  Each table had chart paper with a prompt reflecting on our reading.  Only using visuals/drawings, we had to respond to the prompt.

After time was called, we rotated to the next table and repeated.

  • prompt
  • respond
  • rotate
  • repeat
  • back to original
  • observe / sythesize

When we returned to our initial table, it was interesting to see what people had added to it.  We were given time to ask questions/clarifications of pictures.

Observe / Synthesize – 1 sentence to synthesize the big idea to answer and respond to the initial prompt.

There was discussion about how to ensure all students were participating.  One teacher suggested allowing students to go to one of their pictures and claim it by writing their name next to it.

Another then said to Claim & Explain.  Which made me think – have them claim their picture on the poster paper, but then use their exit slip to explain their thinking.  As far as that goes, you could allow them to claim anyones pictures then infer what they thought as the exit slip.

Thinking on how I could use the @seesaw app I have learned about this summer – Have them snap a picture with the prompt and submit, then share their thinking in written or video.



Our presenters were very good about modeling what they thought we may not be familiar with.  Ashley used one of the charts from the previous task to model STW.  We were then asked to use pictures they had shared of student sample work and practice STW.  When we completed the task, we had to move to another table and find someone with the same sample work and compare our STW.

What I appreciate about this task – See is to look and simply state facts.  Think is when you get to give your opinion of what you think might be happening.  Wonder is your chance to ask clarifying questions or infer more into what you are seeing.


At this point we had seen many, many strategies and asked to consider a few that might be doable and productive in our units of study.  The planning sheet offered space for 2 options on ways to implement the task.  The WHY? HOW? WHEN? WHO? were all addressed in the planning.

This piece helped me realized the value of our text/workbook.  Each strategy is outline with intentions and what information can be derived from its use.

This was more or less a moment to begin brainstorming, thinking about which tasks we might commit to implementing this fall.


Our final reading prior to lunch break was to read text and code simply with Q – a quote that resonated with us.

We shared the quote on construction paper and taped to the walls around the room.

WE were given post-its and asked to GALLERY WALK responding by placing notes on the quotes with agree/disagree including our evidence and reasoning.

Finally, we used a whole group share.  There were many quotes repeated – which said it seemed to be something important to consider or a point of further discussion.  Some of the BIG ideas from our walk:

  • Sharing learning intentions / rubric / expectations up front with students
  • Having student sample work as models
  • offering feedback
  • Tough to write good, quality prompts
  • Should extended writing projects be in every classroom, in every unit?


Following lunch we were asked to think about our classrooms this past year.  We had a poster we divided into three columns – Argumentative, Informational/Explanatory, Narrative.

We were asked to share the writing to demonstrate learning we had actually used in class – making sure we included the form, purpose and audience of the piece.  As you looked around the tables (by subject areas) – it was somewhat obvious where the gaps were in our writing.

We tended to struggle just a bit in our math and science table, as most of our writing falls into the writing to learn category.  However we had at least one item in each of the categories.

The big take away for me was to ensure the assignments I am making have these key components considered before asking students to do them.

Marshmallow Towers

As I mentioned, our presenters were very intune with their audience.  They strategically had interactive, brain break like tasks planned for afternoon dips.  After completing the challenge, we were then asked to outline what parts of the literacy model we had actually used to complete the task.  Read Write Speak Listen…

Next we completed a similar reflection after watching a viral music video utilizing Rube-Goldberg Machines.

Our day ended with more planning / reflection documents as we thought about our next steps…

I will wait a couple of days, then do an actual reflection of our training.  I simply wanted to get down the big ideas from it – so I would have a quick go to of tools when I need them.

It was 3 days full of tools.  For me, my biggest take-a-way was that I need to continue what I am currently doing.  There is value in the several years of research and reading…  the ALM confirms I am moving in the right direction.

Literacy Day 2 #MTBoSBlaugust Post 10


How is it already August 10?!?  Yesterday was another day full of literacy!

Lots of notes. Lots of thoughts.  Lots of valuable discussions.


We created a word wall at the end of Day 1.  I will grab a picture today to share.  Teachers were asked to grab a term from our focused reading Day 1, and create a symbol with the word on it.

A question from Day 1 was how to make a word wall interactive?  Also, what if I have multiple sections of the same class, how to make it effective?  And with limited wall space, but different courses throughout the day…how can I make it work?

Day 2, we began –

  • Choose a word from the word wall.
  • Write a meaty question that has this word as the answer.

My word was barrier – What things do our students face that we must consider when planning effective literacy strategies for our classrooms?

Options for creating word walls in our classrooms:

  • a trifold that can be quickly folded and put away when next class enters.
  • personal size – give students a file folder
  • mobiles from the ceiling
  • with smartboards, maybe we have a magnetic whiteboard that could be used

This is definitely something I want to consider when planning for this fall’s units.


We were given some time to brainstorm a list of 10 texts that have impacted us.  Yes, I have more than 10.  Sorry. Not Sorry.

I began my timeline about 9 years ago, when my husband and daughter bought me a Kindle.  The first book I downloaded and read was Unbroken, L. Hillenbrand.  It is when I started reading again.  Somewhere along the way, I read a blog post that basically said – if we want our students to become readers, we must model that for them.  I started posting my “currently reading” outside my room and in my signature on emails.

You can tell from my timeline that non-fiction impacts me more…but now,  I always have a light, fiction read on my bedstand…  to end my day with a few minutes of escape.  However, my focus was how professional growth has been impacted through reading.


Next we were asked to stand and find a partner to share our timelines with.  My partner is my age and and ELA teacher – much of her titles, I had read either in childhood or throughout school.  She even included some poetry.  I loved the discussions between partners and at our tables – some new titles added to my reading list.

Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension

Strategies for when we struggle.  How can we use these when our students struggle?



If you’ve never used one, we’ll you’ve likely never worked with @joyinlearning.  🙂

  • Basically, you are given a few statements and asked to mark whether you agree or disagree prior to reading.
  • As you read assigned article, look for textual evidence to support or refute the statement and record.
  • Post reading – mark whether you now agree or disagree.

I see anticipation guides as priming my thinking about what I am getting ready to read.

The next task was looking at statements to determine if they were good / not so good ones to use on an A.G.  We then discussed characteristics of a good statement and brainstormed some for each subject area.

In the afternoon, we restructured and were asked to sit with like content area.  Our table was now Math and Science.


Is a Kagan strategy I maybe learned from @druinok.

  • Jot down 3 strategies we can use with Writing for Learn
  • Find a partner and share the lists – give one to them, get one from them – explaining how the strategy works.
  • Find a new partner.  Repeat.
  • Continue until your list has 6 strategies.

It was quite interesting to me to see the variety between different contents.

Here is a partial list of our whole class discussion…



This felt a bit like Talking Points I have used.  Each person did a reader response to a given quote.  We formed a circle and read our response.  The rule was – no response to each person…no agreeing, non-verbals, etc.  It was tough, we did giggle on a few of them.  The big idea, like Talking Points is it gives the learner a chance for their voice to be heard, without judgement.


We had 3 reflection questions we were given to complete at our tables, individually.  When complete, we formed inner and outer circles.  We then shared our responses to Q1, and our partner did the same.  The inner circle rotated – shared responses to Q2.  The outer circle rotated another direction before we shared responses to Q3.


Our final reading for the day was on Academic Dialogue, we were asked to Code our Text with

  • A antagonizing
  • W wonder about
  • M matches my thinking
  • ❤ love it.

When finished, we were given poster paper.  Each person had a different color marker and asked to record the a statement from the text for our codes.  We rotated to the next code, recorded and continued until each person had shared 4 statements.


We took some time to see what others had shared.  Then as a group, we were asked to choose the big idea and create a summary sentence.

So today, Day 3 is the last of our summer training…

Yes, many of the strategies shared I am familiar with – either through reading about Kagan, using Springboard Curriclum, Making thinking Visible and other reading.  But it has been very beneficial listening to how others implement and their ideas.

I look forward to working with our presenters / coaches.  They have been a difference maker in setting the tone for these experiences.

#TMC18 Memories… #MTBoSBlaugust Post 9


We come to TMC for the Math…  with leave with the Memories…

Its about relationships.  Some of the people I’ve met through TMC I have known longer than some of my collegaues.  While at TMC18, a fb memory popped up from the morning of 2012…  I had no clue the level of respect, love, friendship, laughter and encouragement that would come from this adventure.


I’m not sure where to begin – so many I adore I failed to get a picture with.  Sadly, I still feel awkward asking for a selfie – especially if I’m a new math buddy with you.  But I am grateful we met in real life  and now I can hear your voice as I read your tweets and posts.

I won’t lie, TMC overwhelms me – in a good way.  Every single moment is filled with math and people.  My morning session was filled with the best of both…


I texted my friend at some point on day 3 for me… a bit on overload, a little homesick  and she replied, take a break, go for a walk.  I literally have to unplug from big crowds to keep myself leveled – in any situation, not just TMC.  I am the teacher who needs 10 minutes of quiet time after a pep rally at school.  Weird, huh?

Each evening, my awesome roomie and I would go for a walk, one evening we actually had to drive to find the sand beach where we could dip our toes in Lake Erie!  But the lake was about a mile from the hotel, perfect distance.  And the views.

The lake on different evenings.  Something about water is so calming.


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Sitting alongside the water with new and old friends…just chatting about life and math and adventures for hours.


with Elissa, Mary and Cori

Cleveland was a pleasant place to visit.  I had no idea.  But I very much enjoyed.  At the water park, we watched an adult kickball league…it was the championship game.  There were many people getting their pictures in the Cleveland signs.  The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame was such a treat.  As you walked the city, there were many things to see.  A nice little street with many restaurants to enjoy.


From cheering our foiled-travel plans friends on (Jenny!), to sharing a moment while signing Casey’s book, hanging out in St. Ignatius mall, learning about Pokemon Go!, finding the coolest math tshirts, admiring the work of our talented Justin Aion, and the amazing works shared by others…



Your first year at TMC can be a bit weird, trying to find your groove, meet people in real life, or even just meeting people during their first year, new friendships begin to form.  Your second year it truly is like getting to see old friends from camp the previous summer.  Year three…  you’ve developed strong bonds with some of these folks, they’ve become more than just colleagues.

I will never be able to name everyone that had an impact on me at TMC, but I am grateful our paths have crossed…


May we lift one another on difficult days, laugh with one another in hilarious moments and celebrate goodness and joy that comes each day…  I ❤ you friends!


Literacy Day 1 #MTBoSBlaugust Post 8


I was asked over the summer to participate in cohort for our district’s literacy team.  Sure.  For many years, I have believed literacy to be the foundation for other learning.  Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.

Last night I was a bit nervous.  But once I arrived, I was able to settle in.  At our table was a diverse group of teachers – social studies, world language, science, math and a curriculum coach, from a 1st year through 20+ years experience, some different ideas and view points. This post is more for my reflection on notes I jotted throughout the day.

Much information was shared concerning the grant making this possible, the district literacy plan and we were given an opportunity to read through our school plan as well.  One of our first tasks was to find a statement in the needs, goals, action plan that resonated with us and paraphrase on a post-it.  It says….  I say… (our reaction / feelings about the statement) and then we shared with someone not at our current table.

We were given a list of 15 recommendations sometimes given to schools as they work to build a strong literacy plan.  As we read the statements, we were asked to color code how we saw this statement…

Personal Strengths      School Strength      Target Area

Upon completing the reading task individually, we were given color dot stickers and asked to walk around the room – where statements had been posted and place the appropriate color on them as we saw fit.  Once the group returned to our seats, and we viewed all of the statements – it was very obvious which ones were strengths or targets for both our middle and high school.  

We had a time of discussion and sharing – wondering, asking questions for insight.

Next task we were asked to flip back to appendix pages, where we found a list of literacy strategies.  We practiced a type of text coding by placing hearts next to ones we used and loved and an N beside ones we had never used.  There were several in the list – that when I read the description, I recognized, but maybe called it by a different name.  Volunteers shared some of those they loved and how they implemented in their classrooms.

To end the morning session, we watched a TED talk by Adora Svitak – who is a literacy advocate.  A few things that stuck with me:

Learning should be reciprocal between kids and adults.

In order to make anything reality, you have to dream first – kids don’t consider limitations when thinking creatively.

Distrust leads to restrictions.

When expectations are low – we will sink to them.

My take-a-way…  it should be my goal to help children become a better generation than mine.

Following lunch we read 8 pages from our text resource.

Implement any text coding we were familiar with.  = resonated with me, ? question about it, * revisit / discussion

We did a table – share of one idea from each.

WE were given an AlphaBlocks paper, which essentially contained empty boxes with each letter of the alphabet.  We were asked to review the reading again, adding words or phrases to each box.

We shared at our table once more…it almost had a scattergories feel to it.

Some suggested the alphablocks was a way to summarize a lesson / unit – I see it as a great review, even of having students revisit their notes.  One teacher say they even used it as a review of say a time period, like American Revolution…students had to write down an event, person, etc.  but then share a sentence of why this was so important to this time in history.

List. Sort. Label. Share.

We then compiled a list of agreed upon words, then sorted them into categories.

Whole group share – with the reasoning of our group labels in the sort with completed.  Very interesting to see the many different, but all correct completed charts.

So many tools we used within this “one” task.

I have done some similar things in math class – brain dump – tell me everything you think you know about ________.    Now, go GIVE ONE, GET ONE.

At your tables, sort your ideas any way you wish, but be able to justify your groupings.

The ABC Blocks almost feel like a stretch for algebra I.  Geometry is more vocabulary rich and I think it would be more purposeful.  But I may consider finding a way to try it in Algebra I.

Frayer Model – though most people were very familiar, our trainers added a layer of giggles to it.  We used some modern day adolescent phrases.  Simply hilarious.  Many of us were using urban dictionary – what was quite interesting though, was the history of where the slang originated.   Most people were texting their kids, asking for some phrases.  It offered some needed belly laughs in during the mid-afternoon slump.

Reader Response – they provided a list of sentence starters to use in response to a given quote.  We were asked to use I agree / disagree with ____ because ____.  I cannot remember the exact statement, but it was about 10 years of research showing that vocabulary knowledge being the single most important factor in reading comprehension.

I was the only one at the table to disagree.  And it was an excerpt from Daniel Willingham’s book Why Students Don’t Like School – I need to revisit the research he shared.  But if I recall correctly – it was supporting prior knowledge and experiences having a large impact.

It was a full day.  My brain was tired.  And though I had seen / even used most of the strategies shared – it was nice listening to my colleagues share their thoughts and experiences.  There were some small tweaks I feel I could make to ensure what I’ve been doing has an even greater impact on student learning.

Our presenters were great – very approachable, not preachy, asking questions, listening.  It truly felt like they were there to be support for our journey.

I am looking forward to tomorrow.  When’s the last time (besides TMC) I had that thought on PD?


My Last Day of Summer Break #MTBoSBlaugust Post 7



This is home.  Beautiful Lake Cumberland, Kentucky.

My dear friend invited us out for the afternoon yesterday.  It was so peaceful.  After a brief downpour shower, the sky was blue with fluffy white clouds, a gentle breeze.  So relaxing and joyful – listening to our kids belly laugh, having a great time.

There were a million other things I “needed” to be doing, but this afternoon was exactly what I *needed* and I was grateful for the pause to relax.

Tomorrow I report for the first of three days, as I get to be a part of our district literacy team training.

So… goodbye Summer ’18  you have been good to me – filled with memories, blessed moments and few minutes to pause.

#MTBoS Ambassadors #MTBoSBlaugust Post 6


So, Mattie B.  did this really cool thing last summer – requesting volunteers to monitor the #MTBoS hashtag one day per month.  Simple enough – watch the tag, respond, retweet, redirect …  just basically a welcoming committee helping new folks find their way.

Even better each month, I receive an email reminder.

And what happens if I miss my day or are unable to follow as much as I would like?  Nothing.  No big deal.  I don’t get kicked out.  I can pick up another day.  It is all good – to give as much time as your are able.

Which is good because today was a day I couldn’t spend a lot of time on twitter interacting with others.  By the time I check my email, I had already done final fittings on 50+ band uniforms, reorganizing (parts of) that crazy room – an afternoon with friends on the lake- last outing of the summer, a booster meeting and my supper, a bowl of cereal when I arrived back home at 9.

Its been a busy day, with a last bit of summer relaxation.  I spent a bit of time on twitter, but it is past my bedtime folks and I didn’t want to skip out completely.  Some time is better than none.

  1.  Thanks Mattie B. for organizing this.  I have read many, many new blogs and been able to help connect people with similar course assignments, etc.  I am excited to do another year.  It keeps my mind afresh.
  2. If you are interested in being an ambassador, contact @stoodle for a link to the information.

#TMC18 Meals… #MTBoSBlaugust Post 5

#TMC18 Meals…  #MTBoSBlaugust Post 5

Sunday mornings are the only morning that I actually cook breakfast through the week.  One of my favorites is a dish I first enjoyed at Kouzzina in Disney several years back before it closed.  Simply scrambled eggs with Roma tomatoes, spinach and feta with a bit of salt and black pepper. Yum.


So, my post today – nonmath, is about some great meals I shared with friends at TMC18.

After arriving Tuesday evening, my roommate Mary and I ventured out to find some later than usual supper.  We happened upon The Chocolate Bar.  Of course we wanted to try an entree with chocolate in it – that was part of the experience, right?  Well, our server was a bit hesitant of our choice of the white chocolate pasta.  She said, you will either love it or hate it, and you cannot send it back.  So made another choice…


Flatbread with melted mozzarella, strawberries, balsamic reduction, basil and white chocolate shavings.  Sliced turkey sandwich with jack cheese, greens and raspberry mayo.  And their water glasses, rotated around, are oblique…  how could we use those in geometry class, right?

The following day was desmos pre-conference, which we are pampered with some yummy breakfast and tasty lunch.  Thanks guys!  You always make us feel loved!

That evening, Mary and I ventured to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.  What a treat!  I believe my favorite things were notebooks and papers with lyrics scribbled on them.  Words crossed out and replaced – actual hand written pieces made me know these were real people…

We came back through 4th Street area and met up with my Kentucky pals, Jenn & Laura, at Zocalo.  My Mexican flatbread was all the flavors I love.  Though I could have overstuffed myself, I chose to skip most of the bread and finish off the toppings.  It was so good.  And their guac was quite tasty as well.20180718_200822.jpg

Opening day of TMC, we chose The Hot Spot, knowing service would be a bit slow, and upon arriving, seeing only one gentlemen serving tables.  But my hearty-homestyle breakfast of fried tators, toast, eggs and bacon were just right.  But the fresh-squeezed OJ, I could have drank that all day.  So refreshing.

Mary, Jenny & I all had sessions that afternoon, so for lunch we wanted wanted something reasonably quick – that we could bring back to the beautiful campus of St. Ignatius and enjoy the perfect weather.    We stopped into the Souper Market just down the street.  Small, but quick and friendly service.  My grilled cheese was good, my spicy tomato soup was scrumptious.  Just a bit of heat, great flavor.  Their salads looked amazing too!

souper market

I love all the people of TMC, but I am not a big crowd person.  Small, quiet settings of people enjoying conversation in the evenings help me keep leveled out from the exciting, sometimes overwhelming (good kind of way) – work of my brain all day.  Many were already attending the first timers dinner.  Mary put a tweet out we were walking back up to Lake Erie if anyone wanted to join.  Yay Cori & Elissa was along for the walk!

We had a good meal at Nuevo, which was very near the water.  Sitting outside was great, except the sun was setting and Elissa had to strategically position herself in Cori’s shadow.  The guac was my favorite part of the meal.  Trying new things is always a fun venture.  But I kept it safe, not choosing the beef tongue and going with chicken.  lol  It was great just chatting and enjoying the company.

The next morning, we made an attempt to locate the crepes place.  Someone shared it was closed, so we stepped into West Side Market Cafe.  I learned what a red-eye coffee was, thanks Wendy – I know red-eye gravy…  But too much caffeine may keep me up for days!!!    They had an eggs benedict special with spinach, tomato and feta.  Do you remember my favorite breakfast treat?  Of course, I wanted to try it!

I will behonest, I wasn’t sure about the homefries when they first came out.  But they were so tasty.  Crunchy edges, soft centers.  And I very much enjoyed my eggs.

For lunch that day, we took ran a little over, searching West Side Market before actually ending up at the Flying Fig.  Pulled Pork Nachos – with pickled red onions as a garnish.  Again, great choice.  Perfect serving size.  It was a fun atmosphere sitting on the street, once again, great weather…until we just finished up and it started sprinkling.

Mary and I ventured back to The Chocolate Bar – we had to get dessert!  We split another flatbread, philly steak, she got a sundae and I chose the peanut butter mud – Creamy milk chocolate and buttery caramel with sweet and salty peanut crunch all layered twice over a brownie cake base ( from the menu, gotta be good, right?).

For breakfast the following day, it was sprinkling rain, but we loaded up the car with Jenn, Allison, James, Cortni, Mary and myself and were on a mission for crepes at West Side Market!!!  Strawberries with lemon curd.  oh. so. good.


And a few souvenir treats for home.  BUT I forgot MY POPCORN!!!

I also grabbed this pecan, sweet roll thingy from here for a mid morning snack.  The only thing that could have made it better… 10 seconds heated in microwave.  delicious.  I am not a macaroon fan, but my daughter loves them.  The Jerky – the dr. pepper was fine but I really like the spicy lamb.  yummo.

Some of our morning session buddies had invited us to join them for lunch.  We ended up at Great Lakes Brewing.  The pesto chicken was very good.  It was my last meal before leaving for home.


Math, Memories & Meals…

Cleveland was a nice surprise for me.  It is a place, I would enjoy visiting again.